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Help reduce fashion waste!

Buy less. Take the time to repair articles in your wardrobe. If the piece is in otherwise good condition, consider mending small tears or reaffixing embellishments. The look of an item is sometimes changed dramatically with newer, more stylish buttons. Breathe new life into clothing with these very easy updates to extend the life of your wardrobe by months or years.  

Donate. Find a local charity that receives drop-offs or utilize the many shoe and clothing donation bins. Just be sure that that there is still some life left. This clothing usually goes on a store shelf for resale to help fund the organization. 

Upcycle. Did you know that your old jeans can be used to make tote bags, backpacks or baskets? Sweatshirts can be made into sweatbands for your head or wrist when working out. Favorite t-shirts make a sweet memory quilt of a loved one who has passed or can be braided into bracelets. Neckties can be repurposed into coasters, luggage tags, eyeglass cases and even an ottoman!   

Recycle. When the time comes that an item is beyond the repair, upcycle or donation stages there are multiple ways to recycle. Keep t-shirts for the best rags for cleaning and polishing and click below for a FREE shipping label to turn your jeans into a whole new textile!